SDF Training Series
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SDF: Zero-Day Response
Tactical Approaches for Zero-Day Response in Security Operations

SDF: Persistence Fast Triage
Practical Strategies for Security Incident Response

SDF: Pivot Tables for Forensics
Learn Pivot Tables for Investigations

SDF: Weblog Forensics
Learn weblog forensics

SDF: Shimcache Forensics
Learn how an analyze Windows Shimcache evidence

SDF: Memory Forensics 2
Learn Windows memory forensics

SDF: Memory Forensics 1
Learn Windows memory forensics

SDF: Link Files
A computer forensic guide for understanding LINK file evidence on Windows computer systems

SDF: RAM Extraction Fundamentals
Learn how to apply RAM extraction basics and get hands on experience using RAM capture tools - including Inception

SDF: Windows Shellbags
Computer forensic evidence to help prove file use & knowledge

SDF: Imaging a Mac Fusion Drive
Helping you sharpen your computer forensic skills

SDF: Windows Prefetch Forensics
Learn how an analyze Windows prefetch evidence

SDF: Understanding OS X Time Stamps
Build core computer forensic skills and learn how to interpret & validate Mac OS X dates & times

SDF: Resolving Attached USBs
A forensic guide for linking USB activity to Windows computer systems